
Contact: Dan Rottenstreich
619-213-9839; [email protected]

September 1, 2015

San Gabriel Valley Wins State Funds to Tackle Drought
Rebates on Water Efficient Appliances Will Save Water, Energy, Money
Climate Investments Program Delivers Benefits to SGV Residents

WILLOWBROOK – San Gabriel Valley leaders today celebrated new funding from the California Climate Investments program to help tackle the drought by providing rebates on water-efficient and energy-efficient appliances to consumers and businesses.

Consumers will be able to save water, energy and money through the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District’s rebate program. After purchasing an approved water-efficient and energy-efficient appliance, consumers will receive a $150 rebate for each appliance.

Gathering at the Howard’s Appliances store in Alhambra to applaud the new funding were Thomas Wong, Board Member for the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District; Mike Eng, Board Member for the Los Angeles Community College District and former Assemblymember; Adele Andrade-Stadler, President of the Alhambra School District Board; and John Harabedian, Sierra Madre City Councilmember. Howard’s Appliances is a local, employee-owned business that has served San Gabriel Valley residents for more than 60 years.

“The San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District is pleased to have received funding from the state to expand our water efficient appliance rebate program,” said Thomas Wong, Board Member for the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. “The state’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is providing resources to improve quality of life in our community and conserve precious water resources during our historic drought by helping residents and businesses transition to more water and energy efficient appliances.”

The $230,000 grant from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) will fund consumer rebates for energy efficient, water conserving appliances. The San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District serves 200,000 residents in the communities of Alhambra, Monterey Park, Azusa and Sierra Madre.

DWR Director Mark Cowin said the appliance rebate program offers Californians both immediate and long-term benefits. “A cash rebate is something we all can appreciate when it arrives in the mail,” said Cowin. “The reduction in water use is a dividend that will extend far into the future and help achieve the Governor’s conservation goals. DWR appreciates the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District’s enthusiastic support of the rebate program.”

“Residents in Sierra Madre, Alhambra, Monterey Park, and Azusa will be able to take direct action to save water and energy while saving money on their appliance purchases and their utility bills,” said John Harabedian, Sierra Madre City Councilmember.

The San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District expects to see significant energy and water savings from the rebate program. The District estimates annual savings of nearly 15 million gallons of water and nearly 200,000 kilowatt-hours of energy.

“Incentives like these help families save water and energy. Conservation at home sets a good example for our kids, “ said Adele Andrade-Stadler, Alhambra School District Board President.

Eligible appliances for residents include washing machines, dishwashers and “smart” irrigation controllers. For businesses, waterless urinals are eligible. Consumers and businesses can find more information about energy efficient appliances on the District’s website.

“Climate Investment funding is flowing to communities all over the state and I’m proud that the San Gabriel Valley is benefitting from this grant and other investments that will be instrumental in implementing programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also reduce water and energy usage,” said Assemblymember Ed Chau.

Under the Climate Investments program, more than $2 billion will be available statewide in 2015-16 for projects that reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Funds are made possible by California’s groundbreaking climate and clean energy law, AB 32, and specifically its cap and trade program.

Today’s event was organized by California Delivers, a coalition of hundreds of California businesses, public health professionals, workers, public officials, community and faith leaders, environmental groups, and individuals focused on protecting, implementing and extending the benefits of AB 32 beyond 2020. For more information, visit

About the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District:
The San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District serves 200,000 residents in the communities of Alhambra, Monterey Park, Azusa and Sierra Madre.

About Howard’s Appliances:
Howard’s Appliances got its start in 1946 as Howard Roach began repairing radios in the back of a sporting goods store in the city of San Gabriel.  Howard’s Appliances now is a 100% employee owned company, with more than 240 employees and 10 locations in Southern California.
