
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Marla Wilson/California Delivers
415.397.5000 x306



LOS ANGELES—Flanked by supporters, Gov. Jerry Brown will sign SB 32 and AB 197 into law today, extending and bolstering California’s trailblazing fight against climate change. With today’s signing, California commits to pursue the strongest greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in North America.

SB 32, authored by Sen. Fran Pavley (D-27), requires the state to slash its greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. SB 32 succeeds AB 32, passed nearly ten years ago, which called on California to reduce emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. As the state is on track to meet or even exceed this target, this new law delivers continuity in a critical moment.

AB 197, authored by Asm. Eduardo Garcia (D-56), accompanied SB 32 and also was signed by Gov. Brown in today’s ceremony. AB 197 provides for greater legislative oversight of the California Air Resources Board while ensuring new opportunities to advance vital environmental justice issues. The two laws advanced to the Governor’s desk with backing from Senate pro Tempore Kevin de León, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and the Governor himself.

Below are statements from a sample of California Delivers supporters:

Adrienne Alvord, Western States Director, Union of Concerned Scientists:
“The bills signed today will extend and consolidate California’s commitment to becoming a clean energy-based economy, making our state even stronger, safer, and more prosperous than before. Thanks to Governor Brown, Assembly Member Garcia, Senator Pavley and Legislative leadership, businesses, innovators and investors will have the confidence to keep California ahead in transforming from the old era of dirty fossil fuels to a clean energy economy.”

Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, Founder & President, Interfaith Power & Light:
“Alleluia! California Interfaith Power & Light celebrates our state’s continuing commitment to cut pollution and embrace clean energy. We were glad to amplify the moral message from California’s faith community. Thank you Governor Brown, Senators Pavley and De León, and Assemblymember Garcia for your hard work and visionary leadership in making SB 32 and other related bills law. This legislation will improve public health and our economy and continue our global leadership in fighting climate change.”

John Boesel, President and CEO, CALSTART:
“This legislation lays the foundation for serious and exciting growth of the clean transportation tech industry in California. Senator Pavley deserves high praise for delivering yet another landmark climate bill.”

Todd Campbell, VP of Public Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Clean Energy:
“California businesses worked to pass SB 32 because it will produce more jobs, business investment in California, and help keep our economy growing. In addition, AB 197 will hold ARB accountable to the people and ensure new regulatory policies such as promoting the use of renewable natural gas by heavy duty trucks will benefit our state’s economy and environment.”

Stuart Cohen, Executive Director, TransForm:
“Big Oil wanted to throw California’s climate program under the bus – even as transportation continues to be the state’s leading source of climate pollution. But in passing SB 32 and AB 197, the Governor and many in the legislature stood strong in defense of targets that will rein in greenhouse gas emissions and provide Californians of all incomes with better transportation choices, more affordable places to live, and cleaner, healthier communities.”

César Diaz, Legislative Director, California State Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO:
“SB 32 and AB 197 will advance California’s goals to reduce GHG pollution and to ensure such policies are fairly implemented to create high-quality jobs and economic benefits statewide. We thank Governor Brown, Assembly Speaker Rendon, and Senate pro Tem De León for their leadership and achievement on behalf of California’s working families.”

Olivia Diaz-Lapham, President and CEO of the American Lung Association in CA:
“The lives of those who suffer from asthma, lung cancer, and other lung illnesses will be better thanks to these new laws to combat climate change and improve air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We commend the Governor for signing these groundbreaking pieces of legislation that will have a direct impact on the lung health of all Californians.”

Celia DuBose, Executive Director, California Biodiesel Alliance:
“The California Biodiesel Alliance (CBA) was glad to work closely with E2, CALSTART, other NGOs and members of the low-carbon fuels sector in support of SB 32 and AB 197, and to bring a clear message about the jobs our businesses are creating and the benefits we are bringing to disadvantaged communities, all while reducing emissions. We believe that together we played a key role in securing this historic victory for our state’s bellwether climate policies and wish to thank Governor Jerry Brown for his commitment and leadership in a very tough political climate.”

Sandra Fluke, California State Director, Voices For Progress:
“The members of Voices For Progress are very appreciative of the leadership of Governor Brown and the state legislature in enacting these bills into law, thereby continuing California’s critical work to fight climate change, and providing the type of market certainty that our clean economy businesses need to keep growing and lifting our economy.”

Steve Frisch, President, Sierra Business Council:
“Californians have always been leaders in recognizing that what’s good for the environment is good for the economy. Business knows the future is about a clean economy and creating good jobs while reducing risk and improving vulnerable communities. That’s what the legislature delivered.”

Lisa Hoyos, Director, Climate Parents:
“The groundbreaking climate bills Governor Brown is signing today are a huge win for parents and families in California and beyond, who recognize the threat that the fossil fuel industry poses to our children’s health and the viability of our climate. This law is paving the way for the 100% clean energy economy our kids deserve.”

Kirsten James, California Policy Director, Ceres:
“Ceres commends these California leaders for sticking by the state’s commitment to a low-carbon economy. Today’s bill signing sends a powerful signal to the rest of the country and to the world that a clean energy future is not only possible, it is inevitable and irresistible.”

Bob Keefe, Executive Director, E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs):
“This is good news for California’s environment – but it’s also good news for California’s economy. More than 500,000 Californians now work in clean energy, and thanks to this legislation, more good-paying clean energy jobs are on the way.”

Michelle Kinman, Clean Energy Advocate, Environment California:
“Nine months out from the Paris climate agreement, California continues to lead by example, taking concrete steps to reduce global warming emissions, improve public health, and reduce pollution in overburdened communities, all while creating clean energy jobs and investments. Thank you to Senator Pavley, Assemblymember Garcia, Senate pro Tem De León, Assembly Speaker Rendon, and Governor Brown for acting on climate.”

Thomas Lawson, President, California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition:
“Expanding California’s target for reducing GHG targets by 2030 coupled with providing regulatory accountability and transparency is good news for the state’s economy. It will lead to more jobs and innovative new technologies in the alternate fuels sector, especially for NGVs.  CNGVC looks forward to building on the partnerships that were forged in this fight, to clean up the transportation sector-which is key to helping California reach its new and ambitious climate goals.”

Mary Leslie, President, Los Angeles Business Council:
“Senate Bill 32 will propel our state into a healthier future—both environmentally and economically. We applaud California’s leadership for forging ahead with the confidence that comes from past experience, which assures us that not only are cutting-edge sustainability policies good for our planet, they’re good for business.”

Bill Magavern, Policy Director, Coalition for Clean Air:
“Millions of Californians suffered from smog and smoke this summer, but help is on the way, because SB 32 and AB 197 will bring large reductions in the pollutants that both warm the planet and cause smog, drought and wildfires in our communities.”

Mike Mielke, Senior VP, Environment & Energy, Silicon Valley Leadership Group:
“SB 32 and AB 197 will continue the record growth of California’s clean energy economy well into the next decade. At the same time, it will reduce pollution and save lives.”

Matt Nelson, Executive Director,
“The leadership and courage we witnessed in the legislature is a reflection and response to tremendous public will and validates the strong Latinx commitment to fighting climate change. This is a significant step in the right direction and now we must keep on this path and refuse to go down the scorched road the fossil fuel industry has led us on for far too long. Our communities will continue to push for a healthier, greener, more just, and more equitable environmental transformation of our economy and society.”

Timothy O’Connor, Director, California Climate Initiative & Senior Attorney, Environmental Defense Fund:
“Governor Brown has been a relentless advocate for climate action, and today he has cemented his environmental legacy. Californians and people around the world will benefit from this new set of climate laws, which will ensure the state’s economy and the environment continue to thrive.”

Jonathan Parfrey, Executive Director, Climate Resolve:
“We have already seen how much good has come from local climate action with AB 32—just look at how much air quality has improved in Los Angeles. Passing this new legislation is good for Angelenos, as the resulting mitigation and adaptation efforts will reduce greenhouse gases and keep LA cool, while continuing to improve public health and boost the economy.”

Kathryn Phillips, Director, Sierra Club California:
“This signing today sends a very strong message to the world: California isn’t backing down on the fight against climate disrupting pollution. The legislature that passed SB 32 in 2016 is composed almost entirely of people who were not in office in 2006, when AB 32, the first climate bill, was passed. Support for climate action in the legislature—and an among the public in general—hasn’t diminished, but has grown.”

Sarah Rose, CEO, California League of Conservation Voters:
“We applaud the leadership of bill authors Senator Pavley and Assemblyman Garcia along with Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate pro Tem Kevin de León, and thank Governor Jerry Brown for his commitment to California’s successful climate solutions. California has shown the world that ensuring our most vulnerable communities share equally in the benefits of environmental policies is fundamental to California’s leadership on environmental progress, and makes us the model for the nation and the world on how to fight climate change.”

Loni Cortez Russell, Deputy Field Manager, Western States, Moms Clean Air Force:
“Moms Clean Air Force’s 80,000 California moms and dads commend Senator Pavley, Assemblymember Garcia, Senator De León, and Governor Brown on their leadership to protect our children from dangerous climate pollution now and into the future.”

Alvaro Sanchez, Environmental Equity Director, The Greenlining Institute:
“These bills advance California’s worldwide leadership on addressing climate change. We congratulate Asm. Garcia, Senator Pavley, Senate pro Tem De León, Speaker Rendon, and the Governor for making 2016 a banner year for climate justice policy.”

Parin Shah, Senior Strategist, Asian Pacific Environmental Network:
“California’s leadership is vital in advancing solutions that address the root causes of climate change. AB 197 and SB 32, by lifting up the need to reduce pollution at the source and placing a true cost on carbon pollution, usher in a new era in climate policy: one that places environmental justice principles at the center. We thank everyone involved in this effort, especially Asm Garcia for his bold leadership.”

Rhea Suh, President, Natural Resources Defense Council:
“California is showing our nation and world what can, and must, be done to reduce the dangerous pollution fueling climate change.”

Katelyn Roedner Sutter, San Joaquin Regional Director & Environmental Justice Program Manager, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Stockton:
“Pope Francis has called on all people to care for our common home, and with SB 32 and AB 197, we believe California is taking a bold step to care for creation and those who are disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change. We are thankful for the leadership of Gov. Brown, Sen. Pavley, and Asm. Garcia!”

V. John White, Legislative Director, Clean Power Campaign:
“Clean Power Campaign salutes the leadership of Fran Pavley and Eduardo Garcia and the extraordinary coalition that brought these pioneering laws to the Governor’s desk. Ten years after the passage of AB 32, California is taking the fight to protect our communities and the planet to the next level.”

Jay Ziegler, Director of External Affairs & Policy, The Nature Conservancy, CA:
“For a decade, California’s climate law has succeeded in cleaning up air pollution, advancing protections for our irreplaceable natural resources and investing millions of dollars in climate smart projects that help both rural and urban economies. It is critical we keep this momentum going if the state is to deliver on its promise of a low-carbon future.”

California Delivers is a coalition of more than 500 businesses, public health professionals, workers, public officials, faith leaders, environmental and equity organizations, community leaders and individuals focused on protecting, implementing and extending the benefits of AB 32. Visit for more information.

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