Unprecedented Support for CA Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Diverse group urges state to maintain commitment to diversifying fuel supply, protecting consumers, spurring innovation, and improving public health
Sacramento, Calif. – Feb. 17, 2015 – A diverse collection of companies, business associations, utilities, public officials, investors, community and faith leaders, organized labor, and advocates for the environment, public health, consumers, low-income families and veterans are voicing their unwavering support for the state’s six-year-old Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).
We “add our voices to the tens of thousands of Californians who support the LCFS,” the diverse groups of interests told members of the California Air Resources Board in a letter in advance of a public hearing on the standard later this week.
The letter, signed by about 100 businesses, organizations and individuals, highlights key benefits of the LCFS that will support Californians across the state through:
The LCFS sets pollution limits for transportation fuels in California – a 10% reduction in carbon pollution by 2020. During a meeting on Feb. 19, the Board will hear the staff’s re-adoption proposal and take public comment. The hearing also satisfies a judicial requirement for the board to adhere to a certain procedure when adopting new rules.
View the full letter and complete list of signers
See a related letter signed by public health institutions and advocates here.
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About California Delivers
California Delivers is a coalition of businesses, public health professionals, public officials, community and faith leaders, and individuals around the state, focused on protecting, implementing and extending the benefits of AB 32 beyond 2020. For more information, visit www.cadelivers.org.
Media Contact: Cater Communications, (916) 446-1955