What People are Saying about LCFS Re-Adoption CARB re-affirms clean fuels standard
Sacramento – On September 25, 2015, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted to re-adopt the state’s groundbreaking Low Carbon Fuels Standard (LCFS). Established in 2007 by executive order #S-01-07 and implemented starting in 2011, the LCFS aims to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by at least 10 percent by 2020.
Here are statements from groups and individuals who support the LCFS and welcome the re-adoption:
John Chiang, State Treasurer “The fuel standard, requiring a 10 percent cut in the carbon intensity of fuels by 2020, tells entrepreneurs and fuel producers that there will be a steady and growing demand for cleaner options. It levels the playing field. Newer and cleaner fuels compete with older and dirtier fuels; this competition encourages innovation, leads to an increasingly diverse fuel supply and puts more renewables and advanced vehicles in the marketplace.”
Kevin de León, California Senate President Pro Tempore “This policy, the first of its kind in the world, compels the market to find and produce the cleanest fuels possible. By requiring an overall reduction in the carbon intensity of our fuels, but not prescribing the use of specific alternatives to petroleum, the LCFS encourages private sector competition, innovation and job creation. This competition benefits Californians on numerous levels, including through improved health and fuel cost-savings.”
Adrienne Alvord, Union of Concerned Scientists
“Reducing the carbon intensity of our transportation fuels is critical for fighting climate change and reducing pollution. The extension of the Low-Carbon Fuel Standard will make it possible for California to transition away from polluting petroleum by encouraging the development of cleaner fuels. Today’s decision takes on more urgency in the wake of the oil industry’s efforts to defeat legislation that would have cut our petroleum consumption in half. Thankfully, the low-carbon standard will help California stand up to the oil monopoly by giving consumers more options when they fill up their gas tanks.”
John Boesel, President and CEO, CALSTART “The Low Carbon Fuel Standard requires fuel producers to innovate and invest in cleaner fuels. Because of strong policy direction, a number of California industries have been doing their part – now it’s time for the oil industry to do its fair share. Today’s action by the Air Resources Board will spur investment and encourage job growth in California, enabling the development of fuels we can truly live with for decades to come.”
Bonnie Holmes-Gen, Senior Director, American Lung Association in California “The California Air Resources Board’s action today to re-adopt the LCFS demonstrates California’s strong climate leadership and shows California is serious about protecting public health from polluters. California’s health and medical community strongly support the Low Carbon Fuel Standard because petroleum fuels harm our health and threaten our future. Physicians are speaking out through the American Lung Association in California’s Doctors for Climate Health campaign on the need for strong climate action to both protect our hard fought clean air progress and to ensure a healthy future. The Lung Association looks forward to continued strong leadership as we transition to a zero emission future.”
Anne Kelly, Director of BICEP “BICEP companies support a strong LCFS because it’s good for the economy and the environment. In contrast to the oil industry, which has consistently opposed the LCFS and other efforts to reduce emissions from the transportation sector, BICEP companies are engaging in climate policy advocacy constructively, and recognize the value of the LCFS as a catalyst for innovation and investment in clean fuels.”
Neil Koehler, Co-Founder, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Ethanol “The LCFS is great policy in action. It has and will continue to incent our investment in lowering our carbon score. We are proud that low carbon ethanol accounts for the majority of the compliance today. We look forward to continue to work with ARB to further refine the regulation to make it even better. We applaud today’s action by the Air Board.”
Simon Mui, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council “Today’s vote is a strong rebuke to the oil industry lobbyists and a powerful affirmation to companies investing in clean fuel technologies. The re-adoption of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard means California will be cutting pollution, attracting more investments and ending Big Oil’s stranglehold on the market.”
Carol Lee Rawn, Director of Ceres Transportation Program “Given that the transportation sector accounts for 38 percent of California’s greenhouse gas emissions, it is critical to shift to cleaner transportation fuels. The LCFS is a proven and effective strategy to reduce sector emissions, and BICEP companies recognize that the LCFS’s re-adoption is necessary to ensure continued progress in transitioning to cleaner fuels and meeting California’s climate goals.”
Mary Solecki, E2 “The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is good for California’s economy, in addition to the environment. Diversifying our transportation fuels helps stabilize gas prices, and brings new business opportunities to California. The LCFS sends a strong, clear market signal to advanced biofuel companies to invest in their own operations, stimulating statewide economic growth, including in California’s rural areas.”
Eileen Tutt, Executive Director, California Electric Transportation Coalition (CalETC) “The California Electric Vehicle Coalition (CalETC) is pleased that the Air Resources Board voted to re-adopt the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). Electricity reduces climate change pollutants by about 75 percent, and toxic and air pollutants by over 90 percent. CalETC and the electric utilities are committed to providing clean electricity to cars, buses and goods movement applications in furtherance of the LCFS and California’s overall clean transportation goals.”
For more about California’s clean transportation leadership visit www.cadelivers.org.